Buffalo, New York

Category: Hoffman

Comprehensive Weight Loss Center

At Kaleida Health’s Comprehensive Weight Loss Center, all patients are treated throughout the whole surgery process. UBMD Surgery Physicians work with each patient before the surgery and after the surgery. There is a large team of dedicated Dieticians, Psychologists, Nurse Practitioners, Physical Therapists, and Surgeons committed to working with the patient after surgery. Surgical weightless…
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Weight Loss Surgery with Kaleida Health

Dr. Aaron Hoffman, Chief of Surgery with Kaleida Health, discusses obesity and health conditions that accompany it. In his interview, Dr. Hoffman explains the benefits of gastric sleeve and gastric bypass. Not only do the procedures promote weight loss but they have also been shown to improve diabetes, gastric reflux, and heart disease. To learn…
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Bariatrics Medical Minute with Dr. Hoffman

Dr. Aaron Hoffman is featured in this Medical Minute talking about Bariatric Surgery.Β  Click here to watch Dr. Hoffman’s video and learn about weight loss surgery.