The SVS Executive Board (EB) has appointed the editorial team for the upcoming 12th edition of “Rutherford’s Vascular Surgery and Endovascular Therapy.” The team includes Linda Harris, MD, Audra Duncan, MD, and Peter Henke, MD. UBMD Surgery is honored Harris is selected for Rutherford’s Editorial Team.
Duncan and Henke will work with 11th edition editors Tony Sidawy, MD, Bruce Perler, MD, and Linda Harris to prepare the new team for their upcoming tasks. SVS President Joseph Mills, MD, expressed gratitude for the appointments.
“The Publications Committee and Executive Board had a very difficult decision on its hands with three stellar proposals,” noted Mills. “All would do an outstanding job, and we thank them for their vision and interest in improving Rutherford. Drs. Harris, Duncan, and Henke are uniquely positioned to take Rutherford to the next level.”
Speaking on behalf of the editorial team, Harris expressed excitement and honor at being selected.
“We are excited and honored to have been selected to edit Rutherford’s 12th edition. We look forward to ensuring that Rutherford remains our ‘vascular bible’ for years to come. We expect to continue to innovate so that Rutherford is seen as the “go to” book for all generations of learners,” said Harris.
Rutherford 11th Edition will come out in fiscal year 2025-26, when planning for Rutherford 12th edition begins.