Buffalo, New York

Gregory Cherr, MD, RVT, FACS

Gregory Cherr, MD

Gregory Cherr, MD joined UBMD Surgery in 2002. Dr. Cherr is Associate Professor of Surgery and Assistant Dean for Graduate Medical Education for University at Buffalo.  He currently holds clinical appointments as a Staff Vascular Surgeon for Gates Vascular Institute, Buffalo General Medical CenterErie County Medical Center, WNY Veteran’s Administration Hospitals, and is a consultant for Roswell Park Cancer Institute. 

Dr. Cherr holds Boards and certifications from the American Board of Surgery for both General and Vascular Surgery, and is a Registered Vascular Technologist.  He has received 19 awards and honors throughout this career and has worked with 12 various grants relating to his vascular expertise.  Dr. Cherr has been published 53 times in industry journals, 33 times in journals for professional audiences, 47 times for peer-reviewed conference abstracts, 30 times for conference abstracts, and has contributed to 7 books.  Dr. Cherr has delivered 17 national presentations, 108 regional conferences, and has been invited to moderate 19 conferences. Dr. Cherr is active with University at Buffalo Vascular Surgery Fellowship and residency activities.


  • Abdominal, and peripheral aneurysms
  • Cerebrovascular disease
  • Endovascular procedures, and/or minimally invasive vascular surgery
  • Hemodialysis access
  • Peripheral vascular disease
  • Venous disease

Surgical Subspecialty

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Contact UBMD Surgery for more information about Vascular Surgery.  To schedule an appointment with Dr. Cherr, please call 716-859-4223.