The Third Annual Women’s Vascular Summit is taking place at the University at Buffalo on May 13-14, 2022. The Women’s Vascular Summit is an annual meeting for medical professionals who treat vascular disease in women. The meeting will be located within the Jacobs Schools of Medicine.
The Summit will lead discussions about vascular disease and how it presents differently in women. Vascular research proves that intervention is impacted by gender. The meeting will connect women Vascular Surgeons and other practitioners involved in vascular disease from students to senior surgeons.
Topics at the meeting include vascular disorders, peripheral arterial disease, cerebrovascular disease, aortic aneurysms, aortic dissections, access, and venous disease. Interactive group discussions will allow participants to ask questions and to work together to develop future research projects.
In 2021, the group was able to fund one research project which developed out of the meeting. The group hopes to continue this process of collaboration and encourage women to pursue research together.
UBMD Vascular Surgeon, Linda Harris, MD will be speaking on the second day of the conference. Dr. Harris will be discussing Thoracic Outlet Syndrome in Women.
Vascular Surgeons treating women, vascular trainees, and vascular allied health professionals are encouraged to attend. Additionally, health professionals interested in vascular disease, causality, and treatment would also benefit from attending the Summit.
Linda Harris, MD, and Mariel Rivero, MD of UBMD Vascular Surgery are Course Directors of the Women’s Vascular Summit.
Learn more and register at: https://womensvascular.org/