In the last 10 years, ECMC’s Trauma Surgery Program has seen a 35% increase in the number of Western New York pedestrians who have been hit by vehicles. Data shows that the majority of these crashes occur during evening and nighttime hours. The highest rates are in the city of Buffalo. As a pedestrian, we ask that you take steps to make yourself more visible by wearing light-colored clothing and using reflectors. Reflectors should be visible from the front and the back. A reflector should dangle. Drivers notice movement more than a stationary reflection.
Attach reflectors to:
- Backpacks
- Pockets
- Zippers
- Walkers
- Wheelchairs
- Dog Leashes
- The more reflectors, the better!
A person wearing reflectors is up to 3x more visible than someone wearing dark clothing. Be safe Buffalo, and be seen!
For more information, please call 716-898-3000.
Clairice Cooper, MD is a Trauma Surgeon at ECMC and for UBMD Surgery. View Dr. Cooper’s ECMC Medical Minute about Pedestrians Should Wear Reflectors: https://bit.ly/3xEF32Z