Buffalo, New York

Category: Chopko

Trauma & Critical Care Fellow Leads PUSH IT

Trauma & Critical Care Fellow Leads PUSH IT

Preventing Unnecessary Surgeon Holds on Ingestion for Tracheostomy PUSH IT (Preventing Unnecessary Surgeon Holds on Ingestion for Tracheostomy) is an EAST (Eastern Association for the Surgery of Trauma Sponsored multicenter randomized controlled trial. Erie County Medical Center (University at Buffalo) is the primary site and Dr. Eden Nohra is the Principal Investigator. Dr. Michael Chopko,…
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UBMD Surgery Physicians Treating Trauma at ECMC

ECMC is known for being a leader specializing in treating trauma and critical care patients throughout Western New York.  UBMD Surgery Physicians are Treating Trauma at ECMC as a verified Level 1 Adult Trauma Center by the American College of Surgeons, designated a Level 1 Adult Trauma Center by the NYS Department of Health. As…
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Dr. Chopko and ECMC are Asking for Blood Donations

Dr. Michael Chopko, Trauma and General Surgeon at ECMC, is asking for blood donations to help save lives.  ECMC works with ConnectLife, Western New York’s only community blood bank, ensuring that all blood donations stay local for patients in need.  It is vital ECMC’s trauma center and other surgical services have blood available at a…
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Blood Donation Medical Minute with Dr. Michael Chopko

ECMC’s Trauma Surgeon Dr. Michael Chopko and Unyts’ Director of Marketing, talk about the importance to donate blood, especially during the winter months.  Click here to watch the full video and learn more about the importance of donating blood.

Fire Safety Medical Minute with Dr. Michael Chopko

Dr. Chopko is a Trauma Surgeon at ECMC.  Click here to watch this video about Fire Safety, ways to avoid recreational burns and fire safety tips.

Impaired Driving Medical Minute with Dr. Chopko

Dr. Michael Chopko discusses the risks associated with Impaired Driving.  Click here to watch Dr. Chopko’s Medical Minute to learn ways to avoid tragedy associated with impaired driving and find safe ways to get home to your destination.