Preventing Unnecessary Surgeon Holds on Ingestion for Tracheostomy
PUSH IT (Preventing Unnecessary Surgeon Holds on Ingestion for Tracheostomy) is an EAST (Eastern Association for the Surgery of Trauma Sponsored multicenter randomized controlled trial. Erie County Medical Center (University at Buffalo) is the primary site and Dr. Eden Nohra is the Principal Investigator. Dr. Michael Chopko, of UBMD General Surgery and Trauma Surgery, is the Co-Primary Investigator.
The PUSH IT studyβs primary objective is to show that continuing feeds up until the time of tracheostomy does not increase the risk of aspiration and pneumonia, while it does improve total caloric intake. The control arm involves stopping the feeds 6 or more hours before surgery.
Scan the QR code for more details about the study and submit a Center Sign-Up Form on the EAST website.
At ECMC, the University at Buffalo Surgeons of UBMD Surgery are excited to provide the best care and to continue to improve our care delivery through science.