Studio 2 Medical Edition sponsored by UBMD sat down with Dr. James Lukan to discuss gun violence in the Western New York community. Dr. Lukan is the Director of Vascular Services at Erie County Medical Center, Attending Staff Surgeon at ECMC, Clinical Associate Professor for UBMD Surgery, and Program Director for the General Surgery Residency Program at the University at Buffalo. He has expertise in a variety of medical procedures and fields, including wound care, trauma surgery, and surgical critical care.
It has been more than a year since the fatal Tops shooting in Buffalo that resulted in the deaths of 10 community members. Gun violence is becoming a public health emergency and is the leading cause of premature death across New York and the nation. A significant number of gun violence victims return to the hospital with another gunshot wound within a year.
Healthcare providers are integrating gun violence prevention and education into their practices and becoming more involved in the community. Community organizations in Buffalo, such as Buffalo SNUG (Should Never Use Guns) and Buffalo Rising Against Violence (BRAVE) at ECMC, have been involved in programs that seek to prevent gun violence. Dr. Lukan and Paula Kovanic-Spiro, Director of BRAVE, have been working together to allow these organizations inside the hospital so that they can begin working immediately to prevent future gun violence.
To learn more about how UBMD Surgery or any of the community organizations can help in gun violence prevention, please visit ubmdsurgery.com and be sure to contact us.
Click here to watch the Studio 2 Medical Edition: Gun Violence interview with Dr. James Lukan